KFON Configuration Settings In UBUNTU At Schools [Guide]

Many Kerala government schools have already got the Kerala fiber optical network connection. Their first-time configuration has been already done by the department itself. If you find the modem is misconfigured or not connecting to the internet, you can follow the KFON configuration settings.

As the schools in Kerala use UBUNTU, I’ll explain how to configure in UBUNTU operating system. The same procedures can be applied if you are using a Windows-based computer system. If any issues with the configuration, feel free to ask me here in the comment box section.

Configuration through a web browser

If you confirm that all the connections are made between the computer and the router, either through WiFi or the Ethernet cable, you can ping and configure the settings if automatically not connected to the internet.

To do this, open a web browser, say Mozilla Firefox.

In the address bar, type the address kite.kerala.gov.in/broadband and press the enter button.

it will enter the page showing the internet status. Click on the KFON status link that appears on the top menu bar.

Then click on the KFON consolidation link.

It’ll show the status of the KFON connection of schools in each district.

There are two reports available as Hitech Lab report and the Hitech School report.

The first one is to search for the schools of primary, and the second one is to search for the high and higher secondary schools.

Select the district link and click on the KFON-connected link.

Make sure your school is included in the list. Check the status value.

If the status is shown as CONNECTED, you can confirm that the school is connected to the KFON network.

Write down other information like IP address, Subnet mask, etc

It’s important to note down all other information given according to your school such as the unique IP address, Subnet Mask, etc.

All the details are available in the given table.

Configuration through KFON router

There should be a dedicated router supplied to every school along with the UPS (Uninterrupted power supply).

KFON router configuration

The UPS provided is not to get any interference while using the KFON, because sometimes, when you are loading data to the database of the school students, when the KFON connection is interrupted because of the power failure, it may not written to the database.

To ensure the power supply to the router, first of all, turn ON the UPS. Then make sure the power adapter is connected to the switch box. Then switch on the router. A GREEN light will be visible on the router as the status.

If the GREEN LED is moved from blinking to the stable state, you can confirm that the connection is established. When you turn on the first time, it starts with blinking. Within 10 or 20 seconds, if the connection is there, it will turn to solid lighting.

Establish a connection with the PC through ethernet

Mainly KFON provides ethernet cable for each computer in Kerala schools to get connected to the fast internet.

Why do they prefer the Ethernet connection over a WiFi network?

Because, today almost all students should have mobile devices in their hands and they have a high chance of getting connected to the internet to their mobile phone if they know the password.

This may lead to the slowness in connection.

Configuration on UBUNTU PC

Once you connect the Ethernet cable to the port of the PC, go to the System settings and then select Network.

Look at the Wired option and click on the settings icon on the tab.

Select IPV4.

Then change from automatic to manual.

You can see the options such as address, subnet mask, and gateway.

We have already noted the details in the previous section.

Give all the parameters in the box provided carefully. You should enter every parameter as such, in the exact form. Like small letters, capital letters, alphanumeric characters, digits, etc in the exact form.

Once you entered the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway parameters, then click the SAVE button at the bottom right corner of the window.

The system will check all these parameters and after validation, the system will connected to the internet.

Open any web browser on the PC and then visit any website to check the system is connected to the internet.

That’s all about the KFON configuration settings. If you feel any issue regarding the configuration, please reach out to me Via the comment box.

Here are some of the pre-requisites

  • Make sure the ONT power status LED is glowing
  • One end of the Ethernet cable should be connected to the ONT port labeled as GbE-1 or GbE-2 (for Tejas TJ2100-11G ONT), and . LAN-1 or LAN2 ( for Alphion AONT-1420)
  • The other end of the Ethernet cable should be connected to the LAN Port of your PC or WAN
    port of the router.
  • Check the LED status in the connected ONT port. The stable green light means the Ethernet Link is up
    and connected to the End Office computer.

WiFi router pre-requisites

  • Make sure to connect the WiFi router to the PC using the Ethernet cable
  • Access the admin panel only Via the internet browser. I prefer Google Chrome as your browser while accessing the admin panel.
  • Access with the default user ID and password.
  • The wireless access tab is needed to enter the details, so open it and enter the following credentials carefully Address, Net mask, Gateway, and DNS

How to create an access hotspot shortcut on a desktop?

First of all, download the WiFi_Hotspot.zip file from the following link.


Extract the zip file. Now, open the extracted folder and double-click on install.sh file and click on “Run in terminal

Allow execution file as program. It’ll install the program on your Ubuntu PC.

After completing the installation, you can simply create an access hotspot shortcut on your desktop to activate the hotspot in a single click.

How’ll you do this?

Click the applications button top icon on your computer, and navigate to the Accessories menu.

create access hotspot shortcut

Click on “Create WiFi Hotspot” and it’ll ask for the name, you can name as you wish and then it will ask for the password. Create a password, and be aware that you should not forget both the hotspot username and password. So, note it on paper or your PC/Mobile.

This hotspot name and password are used to connect other computers, laptops, or mobile handsets to the WiFi network.


How to check internet reachability in a KFONE connection?

It’s so simple, just ping with After opening the Terminal Window, type Ping and hit the enter button to know the internet reachability.

How can I connect with KFON customer support?

There is a dedicated customer support team you can contact anytime if you have any issues with the KFON in your office. KFON customer care number is 0484 2911970

Contact them in office hours.

Hope this tutorial helps you with the setup process. Let me know when you are stuck at any stage, briefly explain the issue in the comment box, and let’s check and solve it.

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