How to change Kerala Vision WiFi Name And Password

Today, we are going to see how to change the Kerala Vision Broadband WiFi name and password in under 5 minutes. You can do this with your personal computer or with the help of your mobile devices. Many readers messaged me about how to change the name and password on the mobile device.

The way I used here is to change the WiFi name and password of any service provider, but this post shows you how to do it with the Kerala Vision broadband service.

First of all, you should know the IP address of the Kerala Vision modem. The IP address can be shared to you by the service provider at the time of modem installation. Or you can see the back side of the router or modem device.

Know the modem IP address

However, the common IP address of the Kerala Vision modem is

So, we have this parameter.

Now open any web browser on your PC or mobile phone.

In the address bar, type the IP address as HTTP:// and press the enter button.

You’ll land into a user login window where you can provide the username and password to enter the dashboard.

Kerala vision broadband user login

Find the default username and password

Check the back side of the modem to know the default username and password allocated for your modem. Note it down.

Back into the web browser window. Fill out the form there. In the Account field, enter the default username, and password in the second field.

The verification code is there just below. Carefully enter the certification code in the box and remember that it is case-sensitive.

After that, click the User Login button to enter the dashboard.

Remember:- Carefully enter the Captcha text. Once you enter the wrong verification code 3 times, it’ll get locked for a few minutes.

Get into the dashboard

You’ll redirect to the Dashboard homepage and it’ll look like this.

Kerala vision WiFi router dashboard

In the top menu bar of the dashboard, click on the “Net” tab.

After clicking on the Net tab, you’ll redirected to a page. Do not change anything from there.

Then click on the WLAN tab just under the main menu.

Here is the step-by-step representation of the image. I hope this is all that you need to change the Kerala Vision WiFi name and password yourself.

how to change the Kerala vision WiFi name and password


  • Click the Net tab on the Dashboard
  • Then click the WLAN tab just below the main tab
  • Find the SSID click on the text box beneath SSID and make changes by editing the SSID
  • SSID is the WiFi name
  • Then find the WPA Pre-certification shared Key from the same window, and it’s the password
  • Edit the password and give your desired password
  • Then click the OK button at the bottom of the page.

That’s it! Now you have successfully changed the WiFi name and password.

This way you can secure your WiFi by being connected from the device you have given permission before.

Reconnect with the new WiFi name and password

Your connected devices will immediately be out of connection when you change the SSID (username) and password and click the OK button.

To reconnect the devices to the network, you have to search for the available nearby devices and tap the changed WiFi name. Then enter the correct password. Then connect to the WiFi.

Other settings

How can the number of devices that can connect to WiFi be limited?

In the same window, see the connection device numbers. Edit the text box with numbers, and how many devices can be connected to the WiFi at a time.

It’s recommended not to allow many devices because it may slow down the WiFi speed. But it is OK to use 15 – 20 devices with the WiFi for no issue with the WiFi speed.

I hope if you are using the connection at your home, may not have as many members. But for company or shop users, they may want to connect many people (employees).

Disable SSID

There is an option for the check box, Enable SSID. If you check this box, you can set the secure username and password for the WiFi network.

Once you untick it, your network will be freely accessible to other devices near the router. But I am sure no one does this because they won’t let others connect to their WiFi connection without permission.

Remember the password

You can either give simple or complex passwords. That’s all about your choice. Remember the password once you set it. If you forget it, then you need to re-login to the router dashboard to change it again.


What is the WLAN section in the WiFi admin dashboard?

WLAN is the abbreviation for wireless local area network. You can manage your wireless local area network under this tab such as setting the SSID aka WiFi name, password, number of devices that can connect to the network, disabling the SSID, disabling wireless, bandwidth selection, channel selection, etc.

what to do if I forgot the WiFi password?

Do not worry. You can simply log in to the admin panel with the router’s default IP address and password. Then by following the above-mentioned steps, you can simply change the password.

Password can be anything. You won’t mix up with letters and special characters if you need to set the password simply. But when need a strong password, then add special characters like #@!$%^& along with the password.

Allowed characters include digits, small alphabets, capital letters, and special characters.

For a strong password, make a password mix of small, letters, capital letters, digits, and special characters.

To set it simple, you can just use your 10-digit mobile number, but the chances are high to get penetrated the WiFi by the nearby people who know your mobile number.

In conclusion,

I hope that I have covered almost everything to change the Kerala Vision broadband WiFi name and password along with some most used related stuff in this article. This can be applicable by using both computer PC and mobile device. Ensure you have connected the device to the router either Via wifi or ethernet cable to access the admin panel.

If you find any issue regarding it, I’ll surely help you.

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